
Admissions and Attendance Policy


Abingdon Primary School

Admissions Policy

Last Review Date/Policy AdoptedSeptember2023
Next Review DateSeptember2024
LeadMr Adam Cooper – Head Teacher

Abingdon Primary School Admissions Arrangements for School Year 2024-25

The Legacy Learning Trust is the Admissions Authority for the school. 

These arrangements are established in accordance with Annex 1 of the Academy’s Supplemental Funding Agreement. 

The Local Authority (LA) Admissions Team, Middlesbrough Council, will co-ordinate all admissions and this is referred to as the coordinated admissions scheme. 

All Reception admissions will be requested via the common admissions form. 

Admission Number 

Abingdon Primary School has an agreed Published Admission Number (PAN) of 60 per year group. The school will accordingly admit 60 in the relevant age groups if sufficient applications are received.  All applications will be admitted if 60 or fewer apply.  

Children with an Education, Health and Care Plan 

Any child with an Education, Health and Care Plan (“EHCP”) is required to be admitted.  This gives such children overall priority for admission to the named academy.  This is not an over-subscription criteria.  


Children are usually admitted into nursery shortly after their third birthday, though there is often a waiting list, so parents are recommended to put their child’s name down in good time. The Nursery, will contact parents when a place is available. Parents wishing to add their child’s name to the list should contact Miss Barry, the Office Manager or, download and complete the application form below.

In Year Admissions

Children are admitted into full-time school in the September of the academic year when they will reach 5 years old, however we also consider applications from children to school from any age group following applications to Middlesbrough council and if there is space available in that year group.

The Local Authority, Middlesbrough Council, will co-ordinate all admissions.  The LA school admissions team will liaise between the School and parents.  Parents can contact the LA Admissions team on 01642 201889.  The LA team will liaise with parents to complete relevant paperwork and to confirm the offer to give details as to why it has been denied.  

If a place is offered, parents are asked to contact the School again so that the relevant paperwork can be completed and a start date negotiated.  

If a place is not available then parents will be advised accordingly and given the right of an appeal.  

Over-Subscription Criteria

Where more parents/carers have expressed a preference for a particular school than the admission number, the Local Authority must apply its over-subscription criteria in deciding which parents/carers preferences can be met. After the admission of pupils with statements of special educational needs where a particular school is named in the statement, the over-subscription criteria for primary and secondary schools will be applied as follows;

Primary Admissions

If Abingdon Primary School is oversubscribed, after the admission of students with Statements of Special Educational Needs or an Education Health & Care Plan where a particular school is named in the Statement or Plan, the over subscription criteria will be applied as follows, in priority;  

i) ‘Children looked after’ (in public care), and children previously ‘looked after’, but ceased to be so because they were adopted* immediately following having been looked after. (* or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order)

ii) Pupils permanently resident in the Admission Zone, i.e. the address at which the child is registered for child benefit, who express a preference for that school (proof of address may be required).

iii) Pupils who will have a brother and/or step brother and/or sister and/or step sister or the child of the parent/carer’s partner living at the same address attending the school in the September of admission.

iv) Pupils with exceptional social and / or medical reasons for attending the school, which in the latter circumstances are substantiated by the LA medical advisors. A letter from the child’s GP or other relevant professional such as a social worker must be submitted with the application. Social reasons do not include domestic arrangements such as parents working commitments or childcare arrangements. Only exceptional circumstances such as parents who have a disability, which may mean their child must attend a particular school, will be considered. (In this instance a letter from the parent’s GP or other relevant professional such as a social worker must be submitted with the application)

v) Pupils who reside closest to a particular school, measured in a straight line. The measure will be taken from the front door of the pupils’ home to the main entrance of the school.

When distinguishing between pupils within the same criteria the pupil with the highest second criteria will be admitted i.e. a pupil living within the admission zone who has a brother or sister attending the school in the September of admission will have a higher criteria than a pupil who lives in the admission zone but does not have a brother or sister attending the school.

N.B. Attendance at a school nursery does not guarantee a place in the reception class of that school.

Operation of waiting lists 

Subject to any provisions regarding waiting lists in the coordinated admission scheme, the School will operate a waiting list. Where in any year the School receives more applications for places than there are places available, a waiting list will operate until the end of the first school term. This will be maintained by the School and it will be open to any parent to ask for his or her child’s name to be placed on the waiting list, following an unsuccessful application.  Places from the waiting list will be offered in the priority order set out above, not in order of the date applications are made.  

Late applications 

Application forms received after the closing date will be considered alongside those applicants who applied on time wherever possible.  Where it is not practicable because places have already been allocated, or are shortly to be allocated, then late applications will be considered only after those applicants who applied by the published closing date.  

Admission arrangements for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities

The admission of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities is the same as those applied to pupils without disabilities. The school complies fully with the Equality Act 2010 and the School Admissions Code 2012 in relation to the arrangements for the admission of disabled pupils. Where the school is oversubscribed all children are admitted in accordance with the published oversubscription criteria. Where a child is disabled the school will make reasonable adjustments and provide auxiliary aids or services to ensure that no disabled child is placed at a substantial disadvantage compared to other pupils.

Parents of children with disabilities are advised to speak to us prior to admission to discuss any reasonable adjustments required so we can plan accordingly.

Fair Access Protocols 

The School works in accordance with the in-year Fair Access Protocols held by the Local Authority; should a vulnerable child within the protocols require a place at the School, they will take precedence over any child on the waiting list.  

Tie breaker 

If it is necessary to use a tie-breaker to distinguish between two or more applications, a distance criterion will be used. We will give priority to the applicants who live nearest to the school as measured by a straight line from the front door of the home of the applicant to the front door of the main reception of the school site that was on the original application for a place.  


The Legacy Learning Trust as the Admission Authority delegates the responsibility for appeals back to the Academy/Local Authority.  Parents who wish to appeal the decision of the admissions authority to refuse their child a place at your School may apply in writing to the School, using the Appeals Form below, where appeals will be heard by an independent panel. 

In the event of you taking your Year 7 admission allocation to appeal. 

We cannot offer a bespoke report writing in support of each appeal.  We are happy to provide any information already held on our system and offer support on where to seek advice.  

However, pupils’ wellbeing is of paramount importance and we endeavour to do all we can to support what some pupils experience as a challenging process in their transition journey.  This comes in the form of bespoke pastoral handovers to secondary colleagues and specialised Care Team support with extended transition, ensuring the pupils’ wellbeing is central to the process.  

Admissions Reception Class September 2024

Admission Appeal timetable

In accordance with the School Admission Appeals Code, Admission Authorities must set a timetable for organising and hearing educational appeals. The following timetable applies to appeals for admission to Abingdon Primary School. Reception Class in September 2023.

16th November 2023Letters sent to parents with common application form and online details
15th January 2024Closing date for return of forms or online applications to LA admissions team
March to April 2024Preferences considered
16th April 2024Emails and/or letters to parents confirming outcome of application
June/July 2024Appeal Hearings as required

The timetable for primary school admissions, including appeal dates, can be found on the Middlesbrough Council Website. 

All documentation is available from the school office on request.


Attendance Policy

Abingdon Primary School and Children’s Centre seek to ensure that all pupils receive a full-time education which maximises opportunities for each pupil to realise their own potential. The Governing Body also emphasise the prime importance of school attendance to support pupil’s progress.

Parents/Carers have a legal duty to make sure that their child aged 5-16 attends school regularly.  

The school strives to provide a welcoming, caring environment whereby each member of the school community feels wanted and secure.  Children should be ready to start the school day by 8.45am each morning.

All staff willingly work with pupils, and their families, to ensure that each pupil attends school regularly and punctually.

The school has established an effective system of incentives and rewards which motivates pupils in their work in school. Lessons and activities are carefully planned to appeal to the children who attend Abingdon Primary School, parents/carers are informed about school events and encouraged to take part in school activities.

A pupil’s absence, or in some circumstances, persistent lateness, can seriously disrupt their continuity of learning. Not only do they miss the teaching provided on the days they are away, they are also less prepared for the lessons after they return. There is a consequent risk of underachievement. When tracking achievement, staff will be alert to any link with attendance issues and may voice their concerns to parents.


To encourage regular attendance

To provide support, advice and guidance to parents and pupils

To further develop positive and consistent communication between home and school

Reporting an Absence

To report a child’s absence parents must contact Abingdon Primary School on Tel: 01642 210567. All absences must be reported before 8.45am. In the event of failure to report an absence the school office will contact parents and carers from 9.15am to ascertain the reason for absence. Absences from school are carefully recorded in the registers and the reason for absence shown.

N.B If a child is absent due to vomiting or diarrhoea, they should not return to school until they have been free of symptoms for 24 hours.

Attendance Procedures

All children are expected to attend school for the full 190 days of the academic year, unless there is good reason for absence.  If attendance falls below 97%, the Attendance Lead will be involved.

There are two types of absence:

Authorised (where the school approves pupil absence)

Unauthorised (where the school will not approve absence)      

Authorised absence will have been notified to the school by means of a note or telephone message and includes:

  • Visiting a doctor, dentist, hospital where appointments cannot be arranged for outside of school hours.  Proof must be provided by the parent/carer.
  • Illness which would prevent the child taking part in school activities.
  • Bereavement.

Parents are strongly urged to book holidays outside of term time. In exceptional circumstances it may be necessary for longer planned absence. All such cases should be discussed with the Head Teacher. The school has a “request for absence form” which should be completed and given to the Head Teacher.

Requests for Leave of Absence During Term Time

Amendments to The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 make it clear that Head Teachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances and that Head Teachers should determine the number of days a child can be away from school if the leave is granted. The request for Leave of Absence must be made in advance.

All requests for any leave of absence during term time must be given in writing on an Appendix 1 form (below) these can be provided by the school office. They must be completed in full with all correct and relevant information recorded.


Please contact the school office on 01642 210567 to request a copy of the Request For Leave Of Absence form.

DURING TERM TIME (exceptional circumstances only)

Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006

Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013

The 2013 amendments to the 2006 regulations make it clear that Head Teachers may not grant any

leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances and that Head Teachers

should determine the number of school days a child can be away from school if the leave is granted.

Name of Pupil   
Date of Birth   
Tutor/Year Group   
Contact Numbers   
Sibling Details (or other Children living in the household) 
I request permission for my child to be absent from school between:
First Day Absence   
Date of Return   
Total School Days   
Date received:   
Please fully explain the exceptional Circumstances that you would like the Head Teacher to consider (continue of a separate sheet if necessary).        


I have read and understood the information about leave of absence during term time, unauthorised absence, and Penalty Notices. I am aware of the possible consequences should my child take leave of absence without the prior authorisation of the Head Teacher.

First Parent/Carer Name ……………………………………….                    Date …………………………………….

First Parent/Carer Date of Birth. ………………………………                  Signature ……………………………….

Second Parent/Carer Name ……………………………………….                Date …………………………………….

Second Parent/Carer Date of Birth. ………………………………              Signature ……………………………….

When you receive your Appendix 1 to complete, this will be accompanied by an Appendix 2 letter which is ‘Important Information for Parents’ (below):

Important Information for Parents

Parents are required under the Education Act (1996) to ensure their child attends school regularly. There is no automatic right to take a child out of school during term time but the law allows head Teachers to consider individual requests to authorise a leave of absence in exceptional circumstances.

The Head Teacher must be satisfied that the exceptional circumstances justify an authorised absences and it is entirely the responsibility of the parent submitting the request to provide sufficient information and evidence in order to establish this fact.

The request for an authorised leave of absence must be made in advance and the Head Teacher may invite the parent into school to discuss the request before a decision is made.

If the circumstances relating to this request are considered exceptional and the absence is authorised by the Head Teacher, the expectation is that the child’s attendance will be of a satisfactory level both prior to and after the date covered by the request.

If the request for leave of absence is refused and the absence is recorded as unauthorised, the Head Teacher may refer the matter to the Local Authority requesting a Penalty Notice be issued against you.

A Penalty Notice is £60 if paid within 21 days of receipt, rising to £120 if the notice is paid after 21 days but within 28 days. If the penalty is not paid in full by the end of the 28 days period the Local Authority may prosecute for the offence to which the notice applies.

Where there is more than one child, each parent may be issued with a penalty Notice in respect of each child.

Please note, if you have previously received a Penalty Notice the Local Authority may decide to investigate legal proceedings and summons you to appear in court.


School can delete a pupil from their admissions register when the pupil has been continually absent from the school for a period of not less than 20 school days and at no time was the absence during that period authorised by the school and the school does not have reasonable grounds to believe that the pupil is unable to attend the school by reason of sickness or unavoidable cause and both the school and the Local Authority have failed, after jointly making reasonable enquiries, to ascertain where the pupil is.

If you have completed an Appendix 1 and informed us of your child’s absence, you will receive an Appendix 3 letter which will confirm whether your request for a leave of absence has been approved by the Head Teacher or not.

If your leave of absence request has not been approved, the case will be forwarded to the Local Authority on your return and a Penalty Notice may be issued. The Penalty Notice is £60 per parent, per child if paid within 21 days and £120 per parent, per child if paid after this date but within 28 days.  Failure to pay the Penalty Notice could result in the Local Authority starting Legal Proceedings against you for the offence of failing to ensure your child’s regular attendance at school.

If you do not provide school with an Appendix 1 form our Attendance Team will try to contact you (or your emergency contact) to ensure we know the location of your child for safeguarding purposes. Once informed we will record this for our information. When your child returns to school you will receive an Appendix 4 letter with further information of consequences.

Under the Education Act 1996, it is the duty of the person(s) with parental responsibility to secure regular attendance of their children at school. This means that they must be in attendance every time the school is open, unless they are prevented from doing so by reason of genuine illness or any unavoidable cause. If a child of the compulsory school age who is registered at the school fails to attend regularly at school, his/her parent is guilty of an offence under section 444 of the act.

Unauthorised absence includes:

  • Absence for which a note or telephone call has not been received.
  • Trivial reasons such as shopping for new shoes, birthday party etc.


Registers provide the daily record of the attendance of all pupils, they are documents which may be required in a court of law. They will also contribute to children’s annual report.  Once registers are closed, children will be marked accordingly.


Pupils who are late to school should enter via the main entrance, with a parent or responsible adult, reporting to the school office. Pupils who are consistently late are disrupting not only their own education but that of others. Where persistent lateness gives cause for concern further action will be taken.

Raising the Attendance Profile

Staff will take every opportunity to encourage and praise regular attendance and punctuality. Regular written communication with home will aim to remind parents of the need to ensure children attain maximum attendance.

Events Calendar


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